Dave Hughes

Dave Hughes 2017-03-31T16:23:22+00:00
Simon Edgoose

Dave has been playing for 20 odd years and has worked with many bands over that time. He has a massive and unique Starclassic Maple kit with a Bell Brass snare which he is particularly proud of, which he plays when he can fit it in around the rest of his life.

By day he’s a programme manager for night vision and radar with a defence company – his background is in electronics and physics – and by night he’s asleep like everyone else.

Dave is the president of the Hampshire Skeptics Society. Physics is a big passion and he’s got a wide interest in anything science-y. In fact he’s a general all ’round Übergeek.

Dave does lots of stills photography for mags and websites and is responsible for filming, editing and uploading all the NAMM footage for mikedolbear.com.
