Lesson – Simon DasGupta – Notation 3

Welcome to Notation 3; your latest video on understanding music notation. In Notation 2, you learned about whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes, and the associated rests that go with them. You also learned about a training motion to help you along the way. In Notation 3, we introduce the eighth notes.

We strongly recommend that you view the previous Notation videos, all of which are available on Mike Dolbear.com. If you dive-in here, you will be missing some essential foundation.

Finally – always remember the value in learning to read music and understanding rhythm. As well as learning the universal language, you are learning to count music, and learning which hands play certain notes – all of which leads to better control. Once you have control on the drum kit, wonderful things start to happen.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email support@drumambition.com. We are a Mike Dolbear Affiliated Drum School, and are always happy to support viewers of Mike Dolbear.com. Check out www.drumambition.com for our full service website.

By | 2017-08-11T18:19:20+00:00 February 15th, 2017|Categories: Education|Tags: |Comments Off on Lesson – Simon DasGupta – Notation 3