
Reviews 2020-02-24T22:53:00+00:00

Remo Colortone Drum Heads

Something for the more image conscious drummer… At a time when you can get custom drum finishes and colours, coloured sticks, coloured cymbals and customisable hardware, it seems no surprise that we should now have

By | September 15th, 2018|Categories: Reviews|Comments Off on Remo Colortone Drum Heads

DW Purpleheart Drum Kit

I remember a time when life was simpler; Drum Workshop really only had one line of drums and they were made from maple. How things have changed.  Without delving into the archives, I think I’ve

By | September 2nd, 2018|Categories: Reviews|Comments Off on DW Purpleheart Drum Kit

Vic Firth VicBeaters

Felt Vic Firth’s VicBeaters have been out for a little while now Felt and Wood These are basically the same design and dimensions, but two different materials. They have two playing surfaces -

By | August 15th, 2018|Categories: Reviews|Comments Off on Vic Firth VicBeaters